These are old pictures from the F.W. Cornelius, Sr. and Edward J. Kostal families. These two gentlemen were my paternal and maternal grandfathers and I want to share these old photos with members of my family located around the country...and with my extended family in Austria and the Czech Republic.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Lou and Josie Helebrant
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Maria Rogers

Kostal - Helebrant family

Sunday, July 23, 2006
"The Dry Creek Base Ball Team of 1910"
Photo I found of my grandfather's baseball team that played in and around the Ravenna, Nebraska area in 1910. My grandfather is standing second from the right.
The date of the photo (1910) is two years after the Chicago Cubs won their most recent World 1908!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Video from Ravenna, Nebraska - Smaha graves
My mother, Arlene Kostal Cornelius, explaining the significance of the Smaha graves in the Ravenna cemetery.
Video from Ravenna, Nebraska - Helebrant graves
As a result of a conversation with my new-found cousin, I am posting a link to video of my mother, Arlene Kostal Cornelius, talking about the grave of Lou and Josie Helebrant. This video was shot in August 2002 in Ravenna, Nebraska.
Bringing people together
I was reminded about it this past week as I've connected with a second cousin that I did not know existed!
To make a long story short, notes from a family photograph led to a Google search which led to this humble weblog. The kicker was the photograph my cousin was looking at was this photo! She wrote me and it has led to a series of e-mails determining our exact relationship to one another.
Turns out we are second cousins once removed!
Hopefully we will be able to exchange more photographs and family information.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Another WWI draft registration card

Friday, February 24, 2006
World War I draft registration cards
Thanks to a tip from a distant relative in the Czech Republic, I became aware of a free offer from where you can obtain copies of World War I draft registration cards. The free offer runs through the end of February and is available at:
I found the above draft registration card of my grandfather, Edward Kostal. The card dates from 1917. Interestingly, there were three Edward Kostals available for the draft that year -- two from Nebraska. I wonder if they ever met.