These are old pictures from the F.W. Cornelius, Sr. and Edward J. Kostal families. These two gentlemen were my paternal and maternal grandfathers and I want to share these old photos with members of my family located around the country...and with my extended family in Austria and the Czech Republic.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
The Chamberlains
First wedding anniversary
First Communion
Edward and Agnes Kostal
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Is six enough?
This is a picture of my father and five of his siblings. Starting with the top row is my Aunt Elaine, my father and my Uncle Eldon. In the bottom row are the twins Lowell and Wendell (I could never tell them apart) and my Aunt Carol. My Aunt Sandy was either not born yet...or was just a baby when the photo was taken.
Update (May 29, 2005, 6:37 PM CDT): I contacted my Aunt Sandy who tells me that Lowell is the twin on the left and Wendell is on the right. She also thinks this photo was taken about three years before she was born.
Floyde Wilson Cornelius (Sr. and Jr.)
Saturday, May 14, 2005
August 1959
Mt. Calvary Cemetery -- James Kostal marker
Sunday, May 08, 2005
This is ridiculous!
Dad would have appreciated the humor in this bureaucratic buffoonery.This letter is to inform you that you have been excused from Jury Service on 05/17/2005 as a result of your request to participate in our Opt Out Program, which permits jurors who are 70 years of age and older to be excused from Jury Service on a specific court date. Your participation in the Opt Out Program applies only to the date for Jury Service noted above. Please be aware that your name will remain on the juror list and you may be summoned again for Jury Service at a later date. However, your ability to be excused from Jury Service under the Opt Out Program is always available to you, no matter how many jury summons you may receive.